Fortune, 2002

(performance, multiple object)

This is an ongoing project for testing and disseminating belief. So far it has taken place in Chicago, Glasgow, Paris and Frankfurt.

Free samples of a gold paper fortune teller that is completely blank except for one inner panel are available for the viewer to take. The fortune is small (precious) in scale. Only those who take a fortune, and are persistent with playing the childhood "fortune" game associated with the object for its own sake discover the prediction hidden inside. The prediction is almost too optimistic to believe, (your heart's desire, the good life, etc..) and yet, having suspended belief this far, Sara tempts the audience to believe it anyway.

This piece has occured as a tableau vivant performance and also as a multiple give-away piece with the performer's presence represented as a cardboard cut-out on a table-top display.

Images: Harald Turek and Sara Schnadt
